Sunday, August 23, 2009

Story: The Golden Phoenix

This is an interesting story I heard from radio:

One day, there's a man who stay on a distanced high hill, when he on his way home, he meet an injured silver phoenix. How rare can be a man see a phoenix in his life time.
So this man decided to bring the injured silver phoenix home and help to treat the injured phoenix to be recover.

Day after days, the man treat the phoenix very well, and the phoenix start to love this man. After silver phoenix is fully recover, it still stay with the man together.
However one day, the man leaving his house to village. When he reach the village, he heard the villagers talking about someone in the village saw a phoenix, not the silver phoenix that the man met but a legendary golden phoenix. After hearing this tale, the man getting excited and wish that the golden phoenix can come to him since he have met the silver phoenix.

After reach home, the man start to ignore the silver phoenix, even the silver phoenix try to cheer him but the man always thinking about the golden phoenix that everyone else is talking about.

Until one day, the silver phoenix been given up to the man, who always thinking about the golden phoenix and not concern about it anymore.
The silver phoenix leaving the man with tears under the sunset, and the man see it leaving without saying any words.
The sunset shine at the silver feather of the phoenix, they all turn into golden colors.
The man see the scene only start to realize the golden phoenix that everyone were talking about actually is the silver phoenix that stay with him everyday.
The man is very regret to let it go, but it is all too late. The silver phoenix is flying out of his sight already.

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